Mastering Malolactic Fermentation: Essential Strategies
The accelerated harvest season poses unique challenges. To ensure quality and stability, effective malolactic fermentation management is crucial, especially with rapid tank turnover. Here's how our winemaking solutions can help you address these challenges:
Benefits of Co-Inoculation
Co-inoculation, where lactic acid bacteria is added shortly after yeast, offers a favorable environment for MLF:
Optimal Conditions: Lower alcohol concentration, better nutrient availability, and improved bacterial acclimation.
Risk Mitigation: Limits microbial contamination, oxidation, and acetaldehyde levels, leading to more efficient sulfiting and lower TSO2.
Quality and Efficiency: Produces fresher, fruitier wines with a balanced profile, saves time, reduces labor and barrel use, and allows earlier blending, stabilization, and aging.
The Excellence XR and Oeno 1 offer an excellent duo for co-inoculation. Learn more about OENO®1 here